Diabetologist in Chennai
Diabetologist in Chennai Diabetologist in Chennai

Best Diabetologist in Chennai

Who Is Diabetologist?

Diabetologist Doctor Consultation fees in 2024 Ranges from Rs. 700 in Chennai

A professionally qualified doctor who specializes in treating persons with diabetes is known as a Diabetologist. However, there is no MCI-recognized degree in diabetology. Diabetes is a disease due to dysfunction in many metabolic functions in the body. Additionally, endocrinology is the branch of medicine that deals exclusively with metabolic disorders in the body. The best qualification to practice as a diabetologist is a DM endocrinology degree. 

In India, the Medical Council of India recognizes DM endocrinology as the certification that indicates adequate expertise in practicing diabetes medicine. However, due to the acute shortage of endocrinologists in India and the large number of patients with diabetes, the majority of patients with diabetes are seen by non-endocrinologist physicians with experience in the field of diabetes. However, at Magna centres, almost all our diabetologists are DM endocrinologists. So, you can consult the best diabetologist in Chennai at our advanced center. 

What Does a Diabetologist Do?

A diabetologist treats a patient with diabetes and helps the patient control the blood glucose levels. Additionally, the diabetologist may help evaluate the target organ damage because of diabetes. After that, the doctor can guide the patient about the correct dietary and lifestyle changes that help control blood glucose. In addition, the diabetologist leads the diabetic care team. It will ensure that all members receive coordinated care to achieve better outcomes for patients with diabetes. 

The diabetologist ensures that appropriate screening of various complications happens at the correct time. He will provide timely referrals to other specialists like ophthalmologists, nephrologists, neurologists, cardiologists, etc., so the complications are halted at the earliest stage possible. You can get assistance from a skilled diabetologist in Chennai at Magna Centre. 

Treatment Methods Used By The Diabetologist For Diabetes

The treatment methods selected by the Diabetologist depend on various factors. It includes the patient's condition, clinical features, glucose levels, complications due to diabetes, other associated ailments, and many other factors. These are taken into consideration before selecting the ideal drug for the patient. The best diabetologist in Chennai at Magna Centre suggests varied treatment methods. It includes dietary measures, lifestyle modification, oral antidiabetic, and injectable agents. At present, more than 10 varieties of antidiabetic agents are available for glycemic control, and many algorithms assist the doctor in selecting the best option for the patient. 

The patient is advised to monitor the glucose at regular intervals to confirm that the appropriate therapy is working as per the expectation. The dose adjustment and frequent monitoring are emphasized more in patients using injectable agents like insulin for glucose control. 
The diabetologist also will make sure that there is comprehensive care, including health education, appropriate monitoring of diabetes and complications in addition to prescribing medications. Dieticians, diabetic specialized nursing staff, and diabetic educators are also a part of the diabetic care team at Magna. 

A dietician provides a personalized diet plan for patients with diabetes. The diabetic educators provide complete counselling regarding the complications of uncontrolled diabetes, treatment options, insulin injection techniques, etc. So, it would not be an exaggeration to say that coordination or teamwork is the most essential tool a diabetologist uses in caring for persons with diabetes.

What Do You Expect At Your First Visit With A Diabetologist?

At Magna Centre, the top diabetologist in Chennai follows a comprehensive approach right from the first time consultation. It includes:

  • At the first visit with your diabetologist, your diabetologist will ask about how you were diagnosed with diabetes for the first time. 
  • He will also enquire about how long you’ve had the disease and what medication you are currently taking for the management of diabetes. 
  • He will also try to ascertain the degree of control of your diabetes. Usually, the efficiency of diabetes control is measured by testing glycosylated haemoglobin, known in short form as Hba1c. HbA1c has been a marker of glycaemic control over the past three-month period. Serial monitoring of Hba1c will help the diabetologist arrive at an estimate of how well control has been. 
  • In addition to your glycemic control, your diabetologist will also inquire about any potential complications you may have. The complications due to diabetes are often asymptomatic. 
  • To look for these complications, your diabetologist will perform an ankle brake index test, which looks for any narrowing of blood vessels that supply the lower limbs. 
  • He will also look at vibration, perception, threshold, and temperature sensation in the lower limbs to look for any neurological damage to the feet due to long-standing diabetes. 
  • Any history of heart attacks, strokes and serious infections should also be mentioned to your diabetes specialist. All hospitalizations, for whatever reason, are essential, and the records at hospital discharge will usually indicate the degree of glucose control that was present. 
  • You should carry at least the last three years' medical records when you go to the Endocrinologist/diabetologist.  

To book your expert consultation with a skilled diabetologist in Chennai, you must consult Magna Centre. This advanced Obesity, Diabetologist, and Endocrinology Centre. 

How Can You Consult Diabetologist Doctors In Chennai For Diabetes Treatment?

Magna Centre is home to the top and best diabetologist in Chennai. Diabetologists are available at Magna centres all through the week. You can make an appointment online by filling out our form on this website. You can also call the appointment numbers mentioned on the website. Saturday tends to be very crowded at most of our centers, and you should visit on a weekday to spend more time with your doctor at Magna. 

The Magna Centre in Chennai is equipped with the latest instruments for detailed evaluation of a patient with diabetes and also to evaluate in detail the complications of diabetes.

When Should You Visit A Diabetologist?

The top diabetologist in Chennai at Magna Centre says that the ideal time to meet a diabetologist is soon after your diagnosis of diabetes. Though you might have missed this opportunity, if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes for a long time, it is not too late to meet one. High blood glucose values characterize diabetes. Glucose values cause cumulative damage to your body over a period of time. So, the earlier the blood values are controlled through lifestyle changes and appropriate medication, the better your longevity will be. Not paying attention to your diabetes for a long duration of time ends up in missing the time of opportunity to prevent complications.

For example, if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 38 but have not visited a proper doctor for the same for 5  to 8 years of time, you miss the opportunity to control your blood over this time adequately. This will result in microscopic damage to blood vessels in various organs, which is not reversible. Very often, people who are not meeting a diabetologist will meet one just before a surgical procedure is required or if you're hospitalised for some reason. At any point during your diabetes journey, it is better to be guided by a diabetologist for your treatment. 

Especially if your treatment becomes complex, like requiring insulin, or when you develop complications due to diabetes like kidney or heart complications, it is always better to follow up with the diabetologist in addition to other specialists. Patients with a very long duration of diabetes and are having other diabetes-related complications may require follow-up with a nephrologist and cardiologist also. If you are taking therapy for diabetes and the glucose is still not coming under control, please consult an endocrinologist for advice. In situations where the diabetes is progressing rapidly and also has multiple complications, it is better to seek an appointment with an endocrinologist. You can book a consultation with our best diabetologist in Chennai now to avail of the treatment benefits. 

How Much Does A Diabetologist Doctor Charge For A Session?

Consultation fees vary by the city at MAGNA Centres for Obesity, Diabetes and Endocrinology. You can contact the appointment number to know the consultation fees in your town. Typically, consultation fees are valid for a short duration so that you can clarify your questions. Clarify your doubts or come back with reports to the treating doctor. Apart from the diabetologist consultation, diet counselling will also be required with our Dietician. If you already have laboratory values done from outside, we will typically not ask you to repeat the investigations at MAGNA Centres. The exception is when lab values do not correlate with the patient's clinical status or if they are more than 3 to 6 months old. Apart from laboratory investigation, Magna offers investigations like fundus examination, perception threshold and ankle brachial index.

Should I Go To A Diabetologist For Weight Loss?

If you have diabetes and if you’re overweight or obese, then the best doctor to advise you regarding weight loss will be your diabetologist. Sometimes medications used to treat diabetes, like insulin sulphonylureas, can cause weight gain. Changing these medications, if at all possible, can help in weight loss. 

Certain drugs like GLP1-receptor  analogues and SGLT2-inhibitors can help you with weight loss. These drugs also reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, and if you have a heart attack or a stroke, they should be the first choice in the treatment of diabetes. 

If you do not have diabetes, but you’re just overweight or obese, it may still be important to meet a diabetologist because they may guide you better in weight loss. Certain medications like GLP1-receptor analogues which were primarily used for treating diabetes, have an excellent impact on obesity without diabetes as well. Talking to our top and best diabetologist in Chennai will help optimize the medications. 

To get assistance with diabetes of any type, book a consultation with the top diabetologists at Magna Centre in Chennai now!

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