
Diabetologist Diabetologist

Best Diabetologist in Bangalore

Who Is Diabetologist?

A professionally qualified doctor specializing in treating persons with diabetes is known as a Diabetologist. However, there is no MCI-accredited degree in diabetology. Diabetes is a disease caused by a malfunction in several metabolic activities in the body. Endocrinology is the discipline of medicine concerned solely with metabolic diseases in the body. A good physician with an internal medicine degree and several years of experience treating patients with diabetes will make a fairly good diabetologist. One should be very careful about taking advice from doctors with MBBS and diploma in diabetes qualification, as they may not be able to recognise the severe consequences of specific medical therapies. 

The best qualification to practise as a diabetologist is a DM endocrinology degree. In India, the Medical Council of India recognises DM endocrinology as the certification that indicates adequate expertise in practising diabetes medicine. However, due to India's acute scarcity of endocrinologists and the enormous number of diabetic patients, the vast majority of diabetics are seen by non-endocrinologist physicians with diabetes experience. However, at Magna Centres, almost all our diabetologists are DM endocrinologists. So, those seeking to consult the best diabetologist in Bangalore must visit our expert diabetologist doctors. 

What Does A Diabetologist Do?

A Diabetologist treats the patient with diabetes and helps the patient control the blood glucose levels. Additionally, the diabetologist may help in the evaluation of the target organ damage because of diabetes and guide the patient about the correct dietary and lifestyle changes that help in controlling blood glucose. In addition, the diabetologist leads the diabetic care team. He/she will ensure coordinated care by all team members to achieve better outcomes for the patient with diabetes. 

At Magna Centre, our expert and the best diabetologist in Bangalore ensures that appropriate screening of various complications happens at the correct time. He will refer patients to other specialists, such as ophthalmologists, nephrologists, neurologists, and cardiologists, as soon as feasible to prevent complications. 

What is the Difference Between Diabetologists and Endocrinologists?

Diabetologists are physicians who only treat diabetic patients, whereas endocrinologists are superspecialists in endocrinology and treat all disorders affecting the endocrine system (Hormonal imbalances and endocrine malignancies). Endocrinologists typically undergo 3 years of training in general medicine or internal medicine and another 3 years of super speciality training in managing all kinds of diabetes and its acute and chronic complications. Diabetes is one of the significant concerns of endocrinology; hence, endocrinologists offer super-speciality care to diabetic patients.
At Magna Centre, you can consult expert endocrinologists recognized as the best diabetologist in Bangalore. Here, you can get expert care to manage your diabetes effectively.

Where Can I Consult the Best Diabetologist Doctor In Bangalore For Diabetes Treatment?

As Bangalore is a metropolitan city, it is filled with a decent number of endocrinologists. Patients should often prefer endocrinologists over other diabetologists as they are adequately trained to manage all the routine and complex medical conditions in diabetes. You can find an endocrinologist who is a skilled diabetologist in Bangalore by asking for referrals from your primary care physician, searching online healthcare platforms like Practo, checking with local hospitals and clinics, or consulting medical directories. 

MAGNA Centres in Bangalore has qualified, experienced endocrinologists who can handle your diabetes issues. In addition to the diabetologists, Magna Centres are equipped with nutritionists and specialized nurses who contribute to the comprehensive care of patients with diabetes. Diabetes-specialised nurses help educate patients regarding the disease and provide support during insulin initiation and dosage titration. To get assistance from the best diabetologist in Bangalore, visit our advanced Centre of Obesity, Diabetes, and Endocrinology, Magna Centre.

What Can I Expect During the First Visit with A Diabetologist?

At your first consultation with your diabetologist, your doctor will inquire about how you were diagnosed with diabetes for the first time. He will also ask how long you have had the disease and what medications you are now using to manage your diabetes. He will also try to determine how well your diabetes is under control. Typically, the effectiveness of diabetes control is determined by testing glycosylated haemoglobin, abbreviated as Hba1c. HbA1c is a marker of glycemic management over the last three months. Serial Hba1c monitoring will allow the diabetologist to determine how effectively control has been maintained.

In addition to your glycemic control, your diabetologist will also inquire about any potential complications you may have. The complications due to diabetes are often asymptomatic. To detect these issues, your diabetologist will do an ankle brake index test, which checks for narrowing of the blood arteries that supply the lower limbs. He will also examine vibration, perception, threshold, and temperature feeling in the lower limbs to detect neurological damage to the feet caused by long-term diabetes.  

Any history of heart attacks, strokes, or major infections should also be discussed with your diabetes specialist. All hospitalizations, for whatever cause, are necessary, and hospital discharge records typically show the level of glycemic control that was present. When you visit an endocrinologist or a diabetologist, you should bring at least the last three years' worth of medical documents. These are some of the important points suggested by our adept and the best diabetologist in Bangalore. To get their expert assistance, book a consultation at Magna Centre now! 

When Should You Visit A Diabetologist?

The best time to see a diabetologist is immediately after you are diagnosed with diabetes. Though you may have missed this opportunity, if you have had diabetes for a long time, it is still possible to meet one. Elevated blood glucose levels characterize diabetes. Glucose levels cause cumulative damage to your body over time. So, the earlier blood values are regulated with lifestyle adjustments and suitable medicine, the longer you live. Not paying attention to your diabetes for an extended period of time results in missing the opportunity to avert complications.

Our expert and the best diabetologist in Hyderabad has explained this in a brief instance. For example, suppose you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 38 but have not visited a proper doctor for 5  to 8 years. In that case, you miss the opportunity to control your blood glucose levels adequately during this time. This causes tiny damage to blood vessels in many organs, which is irreversible.

People who do not see a diabetologist frequently do so immediately before a surgical operation or when hospitalized for another reason. At any point in your diabetes journey, it is preferable to be treated by a diabetologist. It is usually preferable to follow up with the diabetologist in addition to other doctors, especially if your treatment gets more complicated, such as requiring insulin, or if you develop complications from diabetes, such as kidney or heart problems. Patients who have had diabetes for a long time and are experiencing various diabetes-related issues may need to see a nephrologist and a cardiologist.

If you are on diabetic medication and your glucose levels are still high, see an endocrinologist for help. When diabetes is fast advancing, and there are several complications, it is best to contact an endocrinologist. Those looking for a skilled and the best diabetologist in Bangalore can put their trust in the hands of the expert specialists at Magna Centre. Magna is home to qualified endocrinologists and diabetologists who prioritize patient care. 

How Much Does A Diabetologist Doctor Charge For A Session?

The consultation charges of a Diabetologist doctor range from Rs 500 to Rs 1500. The fee depends on the location, years of practice and doctor's experience.

What are Various Treatment Methods Used By The Diabetologist For Diabetes?

The treatment methods the Diabetologist selects depend on the patient's condition, clinical features, glucose levels, complications due to diabetes, other associated ailments and many other factors. These are some essential factors that are taken into consideration by the best diabetologist in Bangalore at Magna Centre. This is followed before selecting the ideal drug for the patient. 

The treatment methods include dietary measures, lifestyle modification, oral antidiabetic and injectable agents. Over ten different types of antidiabetic medicines are currently available for glycemic control, and several algorithms help doctors choose the optimal selection for their patients. The patient should monitor his or her glucose levels at frequent intervals to ensure that the proper therapy is working as intended. 

The diabetologist will also ensure comprehensive care, including health education, appropriate monitoring of diabetes and complications, and the prescription of medications. The diabetic care team includes dieticians, diabetic speciality nursing staff, and diabetic educators. A dietician creates a specific nutrition plan for diabetics. Diabetic educators provide comprehensive information about the complications of uncontrolled diabetes, treatment alternatives, insulin injection procedures, and so on. The diabetologist will ensure the timely intake of required vaccinations to prevent morbidity from the most common bacterial and fungal infections. Last but not least, the diabetologist or endocrinologist will ensure that there is coordinated care by all members of the Diabetic care team to achieve better outcomes for the patient with diabetes. So, it is not an exaggeration to argue that coordination or teamwork is a diabetologist's most crucial tool when caring for diabetic patients.

To learn more, visit the best diabetologist in Bangalore at Magna Centres for Obesity, Diabetology, and Endocrinology. Start your towards a healthy and happy life now!

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